Steampunk Back to the Future with the New Victorians by Paul Roland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was provided in eArc format by NetGalley in exchange for a review.
Overall this is a nice introduction to steampunk culture by one who was there at the beginning. Numerous aspects of steampunk are covered such as literature, music, movies, design, and fashion.
Roland is nothing if not opinionated and can come off rather dismissive in places of others' opinions. In fact he often makes pronouncement that suggest that he and he alone is the arbiter of what is and is not steampunk. Examples include suggesting that the Will Smith feature, Wild Wild West could be ignored as steampunk as it was "so goddamn awful." And that other steampunk favorites such as Brazil, and the Adventures of Baron Munchausen were unworthy of the name saying, "Call [them] Steampunk if you must, but do it in your world, not in ours. Thank you." Worse still in this steampunk's mind is the neglect of my favorite steampunk band, The Men Who Would Not Be Blamed for Nothing.
If you are a steampunk novice this is a goof place to start but do not neglect to read the Steampunk Bible by Jeff VanderMeer for a more balanced vision. Steam on!
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