Thursday, July 24, 2014

Review: Anthopology 101: Reflections, Inspections and Dissections of SF Anthologies

Anthopology 101: Reflections, Inspections and Dissections of SF Anthologies
Anthopology 101: Reflections, Inspections and Dissections of SF Anthologies by Bud Webster

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bud Webster has published his Anthopology 101 column across a number of science fiction magazines and fanzines over the years. This book collects a number of those columns together.

In the columns Bud examines the history of science fiction anthologies. He begins by talking about how he, as a youngster in Virginia, discovered the anthology format in his public library. As he progresses through his columns he discusses various editors such as Frederick Pohl, Harry Harrison, and most significantly for him, Groff Conklin. He looks not only at the overall body of work put together by these worthies but at the significance of the individual stories within each anthology. Foe most of the anthologies discussed he provides a complete table of contents.

By the time that you finish reading this book you will doubtless have a long list of anthologies on your to buy list and you will have been swept up by Bud's enthusiasm, fascinated by his insider anecdotes, and utterly amused by his wonderfully outrageous turns of phrase. If you love science fiction - buy this book now!

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Review: The Joy of Booking: A guide to buying and selling used SF books

The Joy of Booking: A guide to buying and selling used SF books
The Joy of Booking: A guide to buying and selling used SF books by Bud Webster

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bud Webster, a longtime science fiction writer, critic, bookseller, and above all fan provides the reading of this work with am expanse of practical advice on becoming a successful dealer of science fiction books. Most of this advice is applicable to any sort of bookselling or in fact to the sale of anything you might wish to sell. If this is what you are looking for then I highly recommend the book. However, my personal reading of the book and my own recommendation has nothing to do with learning to sell books or anything else. I recommend this book so that you can share in the excitement that Bud feels about science fiction and the book business. Bud has a great sense of humor and the many anecdotes that fill this book are truly priceless.

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Review: Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life

Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life by Philip José Farmer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This fictional biography discusses the life of Clark "Doc" Savage, Jr. The story is told as if the events published in the pulp magazines were fictionalized accounts of real events. Farmer not only summarizes the events of the most prominent of Doc's adventures but provides chapters on the allies, gadgets, and villains that Doc faced. Appendices provide a chronology of the adventures, a bibliography of Doc related stories, and a genealogy of Doc that details his links to Tarzan and other prominent figures. Whether you are new to Doc or an old hand this book will enhance your study of the Man of Bronze.

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Review: ePulp Sampler Vol 1

ePulp Sampler Vol 1
ePulp Sampler Vol 1 by John Picha

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a small collection of five New Pulp stories offered as a sampler pack for readers. Obviously, the hope is that upon reading these short stories you will want to no more about the characters and/or follow the authors. As such this collection is a mixed bag.

The first story, Rurik of the Demonwatch: Arena of Death by Russ Bopp,has a promising title character but as one reads it becomes more and more disappointing. While the story moves along quickly and is interesting enough if overly formulaic. It is obvious that the author was in desperate need of an editor for this story as there are numerous typos and grammatical errors. As second draft of this story might have been a winner but this unpolished work seems ill fit in a sampler volume designed to draw readers.

Dead Reckoner by Matthew J. Davies is the story of a Zulu cursed soldier named Axamander and is better written than the first story with few issues with grammar or spelling. The author does an excellent job setting the mood and his description of war in the trenches of World War I rings true. The dialogue moves the story along nicely.

N.R. Grabe's Wild Marjoram: The Pill is an interesting Noir tinted story with several twists that make it difficult to talk about in detail without giving too much away. Suffice it to say that this story is the gem of the collection.

The final two stories; Pandora Driver: Blind Luck and Skyracos: Set Adrift, both by John Picha, were both decent stories and did not suffer from the problems of the first.

Overall this is definitely worth a look. Most collections or samplers are uneven in quality and this one is no exception. I recommend that folks give this FREE sampler a try - if you like pulp you are bound to enjoy one or more of the stories.

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