Given that my reading hovers around 50 books each year I am going to make that number my goal for the coming year with sub goals of 12 professional (LIS/Education/Productivity), 12 general non-fiction, and 24 novels during the year.
1. Mentoring in the Library: Building for the Future by Marta K. Lee (Prof. 1 of 12)
2. Productivity for Librarians: How to get more done in less time by Samantha Hines (Prof. 2 of 12)
3. Crucible of Fire by Naomi Novik (Novel 1 of 24)
4. Ghost Story: A Novel of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (Novel 2 of 24)
5. How to Get Things Done: Lessons in Living to your Maximum Productivity Potential by Steve Pavlina and Tim Johnson (Prof. 3 of 12)
6. Berserker by Fred Saberhagen (Novel 3 of 24)
7. Reamde by Neal Stephenson (Novel 4 of 24)
8. Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku (Gen. 1 of 12)
9. 1636: The Kremlin Games by Eric Flint (Novel 5 of 24)
10. Space Chonicles by Neal deGrasse Tyson (Gen. 2 of 12)
11. Monster Hunter International by Larry Correlia (Novel 6 of 24)
12. DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education by Anya Kamenetz (Prof. 4 of 12)
13. Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns
14. Pirate Cinema by CoryDoctorow
15. Everyone Plays at the Library by Scott Nicholson
16. On Basilisk Station by David Weber
17. Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
18. Star man Jones by Robert Heinlein
19. Secret Warriors: Nick Fury Agent of Nothing
20. Secret Warriors: Gid if Fear, Gid of War
21. Secret Warriors: Wake the Beast.
22. Batgirl: Death Wish